Home » Beauty & Style » The power of a professionally shaped brow

The power of a professionally shaped brow

The perfect brow.  Whether you choose waxing, threading or do it yourself plucking, everyone is looking for the perfectly shaped eyebrow.

I’m a big believer in having your eyebrows shaped by a professional.  Even if you go once.  I go every couples of years and then have my local eyebrow threader just follow the shape.  In my opinion, it’s an inexpensive way to look youthful and refreshed.

Eyebrows that have been properly shaped bring balance and proportion to the whole face. Facial features can be softened or accentuated just by shaping the brows. In general, larger features look better with a slightly, fuller eyebrows, where as smaller features are balanced by thinner eyebrows.

A well-groomed eyebrow can give a polished look to a person’s appearance. Women who have nicely shaped eyebrows look put together, even without makeup.


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